TEMIK 15 G  One of the most effective rat poisons to date is guaranteed that rats will die not far from where they eat, approximately a distance of 1 meter.

The appearances are as follows:

 Temik 15G Terbaru

How to use: Mix with all kinds of bait, for example: rice, tofu, cucumber etc. do not use bait that smells fishy. provide water next to the bait, keep away from children "and pets.

PETROKUM 0.005 BW Is a rat poison in the form of green soap as well as bait. A deadly rat poison DEAD DRY & ODOR.

How to use it: Open the wrap, cut it into pieces, then place it in a place where rats often pass.

MAOWANG One of the most potent ready-to-use imported rat poisons to date, is shaped like rice so that rats are easily fooled, Dead rats are not far from its place & do not cause odor.

How to use it: Open the wrap, place it in a place where rats pass, it can also be mixed with food ingredients such as rice, corn, tempeh etc.

RACUMIN Is a bayer product rat poison in the form of a blue powder, often used in fields or plantations. Rat poison is still a mainstay among farmers to eradicate rats

How to use it: Mix rat poison into food, so that the poison can stick to dry food, you can use cooking oil to attach it because this poison is a powder.


Racumin kemasan 100gr 

harga 50.000


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